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Modular Measuring and interface System


DigiCrown is an innovative modular measuring system for dimensional measurements that can be configured in networks connected to PC and PLC with high speed communication interfaces. The high resolution digital sensors of the DigiCrown line are linearised throughout the measuring range and are automatically recognised. The modularity of the system and the versatility of the sensors render this product ideal for any application layout and the integration of all types of sensors (LVDT, HBT, digital and analogue encoders, I/O, analogue sensors, etc.). 

Modular Measuring and interface System

The Digi Crown system is a highly modular measuring network that allows for the integration of different types of sensors (Marposs and others) in a single device. Thanks to the automatic recognition of the sensors connected DigiCrown makes the installation and programming simple and intuitive. The sensors of the DigiCrown2 line are available in the standard versions, with gasket and "soft touch", with low measuring force, with spring or pneumatic actuation and with measurement ranges from 1 mm to 20 mm. All DigiCrown 2 sensors are linearised and certified throughout the range and guarantee a high resolution measurement for applications that require a high level of accuracy.

The Digi Crown system is based on a RS485 bus communication, providing a safe and effective serial protocol, suitable for industrial environments. The cost of the application is always directly proportional to the number of measuring points used.

  • high resolution digital sensors linearised and certified throughout the measuring range to measure parts with different dimensions
  • the extreme modularity can resolve any application layout and easily expand the network
  • the high resolution guarantees high levels of performance
  • easy to use thanks to the automatic recognition of the sensors
  • the possibility of changing sensors without any reconfiguration simplifies maintenance procedures
  • sturdy and reliable sensors
  • possibility of integrating third party sensors
  • fast and synchronised acquisition of the measurement
  • the network integrates the following modules: two LVDT inputs, analogue and digital encoders, input/output and analogue inputs and analogue inputs
  • communication interfaces available: Ethernet, USB and RS232
  • modules with degree of protection IP43
  • sensors with gaskets with IP65 protection, sensors without gasket (soft touch) with IP54 protection
  • up to 12 DigiCrown networks can be connected to the same PC/PLC
  • up to 62 sensors in every DigiCrown network
  • tools are available for integrating the DigiCrown system in proprietary software (SDK and protocol commands) as well as Marposs measurement acquisition SW
  • 2 power supply modules available (220/230V and 24V)
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Brochure User Manual
English DIGI CROWN: (762.35kB)
MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
Italian DIGI CROWN: (799.62kB)
German DIGI CROWN: (956.62kB)
French DIGI CROWN: (794.22kB)
Japanese MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)
multilanguage (Eng Ger Ita Fre Spa Por) - DIGI CROWN for standard probes: (1.30MB)
DIGI CROWN for soft touch probes: (1.24MB)

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