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Fanless Industrial Panel PC


The E9066T Fanless Industrial  PC  is an industrial computer that provides gauging applications with a host of built-in features for Data Collection, Industrial Control, Production and Factory Automation. Its industrial-grade design can withstand the abuse of severe shop floor environments, complying with international standards for EMC, safety and noise immunity.

Fanless Industrial Panel PC

The E9066T Fanless Industrial  PC  is an industrial computer that provides gauging applications with a host of built-in features for Data Collection, Industrial Control, Production and Factory Automation. Its industrial-grade design can withstand the abuse of severe shop floor environments, complying with international standards for EMC, safety and noise immunity.

It runs on the INTEL® Core™-i 64-bit platform with Microsoft® Windows®10-IoT Enterprise operating systems.

But the  E9066T is not only an industry standard computer. When bundled with the Marposs QuickSPCMeasurement and SPC software suite and Marposs GagePodDistributed Data Acquisition System, it offers highly scalable, flexible solutions and unparalleled performance for real-time data acquisition and measuring applications, Process & Quality Control, real-time SPC and closed-loop machine tool control.

Specifically designed to satisfy space-constricted applications without compromising features and functionalities of a complete industrial PC, the E9066T can be panel-mounted or provided in an IP54 shop-proof cabinet for bench-mount or swing-arm solutions, using industry standard supports. A blind-panel version without display, provides wall-mount and DIN-rail mounting solutions as well.

From simple, manual gauging to complex automatic gauging applications, its scalable hardware and open connectivity provide a cost-effective solution for any need.

E9066T represents a truly innovative family of modular and reliable industrial computers for Data Collection, Industrial Control and Production/Factory Automation. 


Imagine the possibilities:

  • Data Collection
  • Industrial and Quality Control
  • Production and Factory Automation


Industry 4.0 ? Got it.

The E9066T™ Fanless Industrial  PC provides your gauging applications with a host of LAN, USB and legacy serial communication ports, as well as Industrial Fieldbus communication ports for any connectivity need.

The E9066T Fanless Industrial PC offers a superb industrial-grade design, designed to withstand the abuse of severe shop floor environments.

Your investment on today's technology will last well into the future:  a Marposs Industrial PC  will never depend on the hurdles of fast pace technology or on the ever-changing office PC market for upgrades or spares.



E9066T is a maintenance-free Industrial PC that eliminates wear & tear parts like computer fans, heat exchangers and traditional hard disks.

Its industrial design dramatically reduces typical computer failures or system downtime affecting 'traditional' computer technology, providing:

  • extended endurance & reliability
  • a reliable user-interface experience thanks to  a trueflat  IP66 (NEMA 4) rated front panel, with integrated touchscreen
  • LED backlight technology for long-lasting display performance, reduced heat dissipation and eliminating lamp substitution
  • on-board UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) with an industrial-grade battery pack, providing battery backup upon power failure
  • fanless system with no moving parts, eliminating mechanical failures  and maintenance for expensive heat exchange devices
  • Solid-state, industrial-grade memory storage that:
    • boosts system performance
    • eliminates hard disk failures
    • extends system reliability
    • increases working temperatures

For all technical characteristics, please refer to the brochure in the DOWNLOAD section.


The E9066T fanless Industrial PC can be fully tailored according to your needs:

  • Display sizes ranging from 15” to 19” (4:3) and from 15.6” to 24” (16:9)
  • Blind-panel version without display
  • panel-mount, bench-mount or swing-arm mounting in IP54 shop-proof cabinet, wall & DIN-rail mount
  • Industrial Fieldbus communication modules (Profibus, Profinet, EthernetIP ...)
  • Integrated, on-board UPS with an industrial-grade battery pack
  • Additional Ethernet ports (1 Gbps), up to 8
  • Additional communication ports (USB, multi-standard serial..)
  • Additional PCI/PCIe expansion slots


English MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
E9066 LINE: (1.16MB)
Italian E9066 LINE: (651.83kB)
German E9066 LINE: (952.00kB)
French E9066 LINE: (940.15kB)
Spanish E9066 LINE: (935.86kB)
Portoguese E9066 LINE: (927.62kB)
Japanese E9066T: (649.65kB)
E9066 LINE: (3.03MB)
MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)


- Drawing [PDF] - - Drawing [STEP] - - Drawing [DWG] -
- E9066T-15" INDUSTRIAL PC - E9066T: (137.27kB)
E9066T: (7.84MB)
E9066T: (1.08MB)
- E9066T-17" INDUSTRIAL PC - E9066T: (185.92kB)
E9066T: (2.58MB)
E9066T: (1.28MB)
- E9066T-BB" INDUSTRIAL PC - E9066T: (278.11kB)
E9066T: (3.51MB)
E9066T: (1.00MB)
- E9066T-21.5" INDUSTRIAL PC - - E9066T: (18.61MB)
- E9066T-21.5" INDUSTRIAL PC MULTITOUCH - E9066T: (293.83kB)
E9066T: (17.49MB)
E9066T: (1.00MB)
- E9066T-24" INDUSTRIAL PC - E9066T: (119.08kB)
- E9066T: (924.93kB)
- 15" BENCH MOUNT CABINET - E9066T: (68.58kB)
E9066T: (9.18MB)
E9066T: (377.00kB)
- 15" ARM MOUNT CABINET - E9066T: (69.09kB)
E9066T: (9.24MB)
E9066T: (384.96kB)
- 17" BENCH MOUNT CABINET - E9066T: (71.55kB)
E9066T: (2.95MB)
E9066T: (350.83kB)
- 17" ARM MOUNT CABINET - E9066T: (72.66kB)
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E9066T: (363.90kB)
E9066T: (8.50MB)
E9066T: (245.37kB)
E9066T: (8.49MB)
E9066T: (259.10kB)
- INDUSTRIAL MONITOR 24" MHR-100 - E9066T: (233.16kB)
E9066T: (7.85MB)
E9066T: (3.29MB)

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