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Hi-tech precision


BLÚ is the innovative modular machine tool monitoring and/or process control system. This system is the result of over 50 years of experience in the management and optimization of machine tool working processes.

Hi-tech precision

BLÚ is available both as a modular, distributed system, ideal for highly complex applications, and as BLÚ LT, a modular system that is suitable for applications having a medium level of complexity in terms of the number of sensors and the dimensions of the machine.






Connecting the sensors to their respective Function Nodes directly on the machine optimises the measurement system topography, reducing the number of connections drastically and hence minimising installation time and costs.
Thanks to MMSB, the proprietary MARPOSS measurement bus, the signals acquired by the sensors are transmitted in totally digital form, thus guaranteeing robust, reliable communications.
The Master Unit has been designed to guarantee the maximum level of integration between the measurement system and the machine and the company network, in addition to the operator.
The interface software, BLÚ HI, has been designed to render the system effective and easy to use.
BLÚ is the ideal solution for all applications featuring a high level of complexity.






In its two formats, Master Unit can host directly up to two or four Function Nodes, and has been designed to guarantee the maximum level of integration between the measurement system and the machine and the company network, in addition to the operator.
The interface software, BLÚ HI, has been designed to render the system effective and easy to use.
BLÚ LT is the ideal solution for all applications featuring medium complexity in terms of the number of sensors and the dimensions of the machine.


To find out more, read the article on BLÚ

  • Sturdy
  • Compact
  • User Friendly
  • Modular
  • 4.0 Native
  • Integrable


English BLÚ: (11.14MB)
BLÚ LT: (6.58MB)
Italian BLÚ: (3.25MB)
BLÚ LT: (6.58MB)
German BLÚ LT: (6.59MB)
BLÚ: (11.15MB)
French BLÚ: (11.54MB)
Spanish BLÚ: (11.41MB)
BLÚ LT: (6.57MB)
Russian BLÚ: (10.56MB)
Japanese BLÚ: (3.56MB)
BLÚ LT: (2.31MB)
Korean BLÚ: (4.70MB)
Simplified Chinese BLÚ: (7.52MB)
BLÚ LT: (6.77MB)

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