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Compact Leak Tester: Absolute Pressure Decay Method


T2: compact equipment for leak tests by absolute pressure decay.

Its strengths are the compact size and the high performances that make this product extremely reliable and versatile. 

The optimized dimensions and unpainted anodized aluminum case make it suitable for use in controlled environments such as clean rooms and laboratories.

T2 Compact leak tester

T2 is a compact, versatile and extremely reliable instrument that applies the latest electronic and pneumatic technologies to offer the best performances.
Provaset T2 is designed for manual use on bench in limited areas, especially in medical segment and in cleanrooms, but it can be integrated on automatic systems managed by PLC too.




Provaset T2 is available with 2 bar or 6 bar full scale models.

A Staubli connector is also available to connect a Leak Master to the instrument.

The test pressure can be regulated with a manual pressure reducer and the pressure of the regulation is shown on the display.




Provaset T2 has several communication interfaces to communicate: digital I/O interface for PLC connection, RS232/RS485, Ethernet interface, USB. Test recording is available via USB, Ethernet.


T2 - EP Option for obstrucion test in continuous

The equipment works into a continuos mode, checking whether each small tube under test is free of occlusions. The test starts immediately and automatically after the tube is easily inserted by the operator into the test port. The operator won’t have to press any button to start the measurement.
Each tube is tested independently, T2- EP gives the result on the screen up to the tube is finally removed by the operator. Thanks to the green and red leds on the equipment and on the screen, and an audible alarm, the operator has an immediate PASSED or FAILED result and can verify that the tube under test has no obstructions. Each result is available until the tube is removed from the equipment test port. 


Tecna Leak Tester Accessory: AV10

The AV10 pneumatic module is supplied as an external accessory to be connected to air leak testing equipment.This module is designed for blood line leak testing, in air with a pressure of up to 2 bar, through Luer tapered fittings. This version is equipped with a mechanism that automatically starts (start at the leak tester) the test when the operator connects the blood line, and automatically releases it at the end of the test if the test result is positive (good).The mechanism reduces the overall testing time and makes it easier for the operator to distinguish good parts from rejected parts.

T2 + AV10 LOGO23 HOME 


  • Leak test full-scale ranges: up to 6 bar
  • 3.5” colour LCD display with touchscreen
  • Up to 100 test programs tables
  • Digital I/O interfaces for the connection to a PLC
  • Serial lines RS232/485 and USB communication interfaces for PC connection are available
  • Test recording via Ethernet is available
  • Backward compatibility of programming with Provaset 2P


Data Sheet
English T2: (441.90kB)
Japanese T2: (336.75kB)

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