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Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Components

SOFC generate electricity by combining Hydrogen and Oxygen in an electrochemical reaction process; differently from PEM, they operate at high temperature (650 – 950 °C), which implies constituent elements showing proper thermal and chemical stability.

The SOFC cell is made up of the following main components: Oxygen electrode, Electrolyte, Hydrogen electrode, Interconnects; a glass-based sealant is typically used to perform the sealing on cell layers.

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Components

All these elements need to be controlled before assembly to avoid the failure of the final result (cell, stack). Dimension, integrity, absence of defects - as inclusion, scratches, etc. – and material properties must be verified.

Marposs proposes dedicated products and customized applications for quality check and process control of these components and their compliance with specification.

  • Leak testing of SOFC layers (electrolyte, interconnects)
  • Gauging and inspection of SOFC layers (electrolyte, electrodes, interconnects)

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