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True Power Sensors - Hall Sensors

CT100 - LA205S

True power measuring is a common approach in the field of tool monitoring. Evaluation of the true power values which are acting in the spindle and axis motors helps to obtain detailed knowledge of the characteristics of a machining process. Hall sensors vary their output voltage in response to a magnetic field. The power measurement technology in connection with an amplifier and a measuring unit is able to detect very small values of different cutting processes.

True Power Sensors - Hall Sensors

True power monitoring via hall effect sensors is an easy to implement method for achieving reliable, high sensitivity monitoring of small tools and adaptive cycle. True power control is the solution for those machines without digital data signals or in addition for dedicated spindle and motor axis values.

True power monitoring is possible with the Artis systems CTM, GENIOR MODULAR and GEMTP. For CTM and GENIOR MODULAR an additional transducer module is necessary.

  • Detection of very slight power changes
  • Very good linearity
  • Compact design for easy integration
  • Verified for Artis amplifiers and measuring units
  • CT100 for currents up to 100 A
  • LA205S for currents up to 200 A


Data Sheet
English LA205S: (1.17MB)
CT-100: (1.16MB)
German LA205S: (1.18MB)
CT-100: (1.17MB)
Japanese LA205S: (528.00kB)

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