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System for Balancing and Acoustic Check of the Process


The DS5000 series is a system for the compensation of the imbalance and for the process check withacoustic emission sensors, developed mainly to be used on high precision grinders.

System for Balancing and Acoustic Check of the Process

The DS500 series offers the solution for the mechanical balancing with the detection, counter-balancing and compensation of the imbalance, and for monitoring the acoustic emissions. These two functions are available separately or together, based on the version of the electronic unit used.

  • AE4100: single function unit for controlling acoustic emissions
  • M5100M: single function unit for balancing the grinding wheel
  • M5100MA: multi-function unit for balancing the grinding wheel and checking the acoustic emissions

DS5000 is an autonomous system where the communication between the electronic unit and the automation system is performed with a static interface (I/O). The device is controlled with the menu displayed on the LCD monitor.

The units of the line are compact, sturdy and easy to use. They are designed to be installed next to the CNC operator panel, outside the machine cabinet.

  • Increased production process quality
  • Reduction of the cycle time in the dressing phase
  • Efficient air gap check 
  • Increased life of the individual machine components (spindle, grinding wheel, etc.)
  • Greater protection against collision for the grinding wheel and the machine
  • Ideal upgrade 
  • All in one solution
  • Operator panel: 5.7’’ monochromatic LCD
  • Power supply: 110-220 AC
  • Static interface: I/O
  • Frequency spectrum of the acoustic emissions 

The DS5000 system includes:

The AE4100 process check system is ideal for viewing and monitoring the grinding processes locally.

The acoustic emissions control system allows users to optimise the grinding and dressing processes, to reduce the air gap and monitor the collision between grinding wheel and part being machined.

The AE4100 system is controlled from the menu (in 5 languages) displayed on a backlit and monochromatic LCD monitor. The electronic unit analyses the data provided by a very sensitive acoustic emission sensor. A sensor can save up to 31 cycles and their relative parameters.

The M5100M electromechanical balancer combines the monitoring and the electronic control necessary for the electromechanical balancing, to optimise the balancing process. The system can manage the balancing on two spindles.

The device is controlled from the menu displayed on a backlit and monochromatic LCD monitor.

The M5100M electromechanical balancer combines the monitoring and the electronic control necessary for the electromechanical balancing. It analyses the data from a very sensitive acoustic emission sensor and optimises the balancing and dressing processes. The system can manage the balancing on two spindles.

The device is controlled from the menu displayed on a backlit and monochromatic LCD monitor.



Installation and User Manual
English AE4100-1E: (9.84MB)
AE4100-1P: (12.68MB)
AE4100-1: (2.06MB)
AE4100-2: (2.22MB)
M5000B: (1.67MB)
M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (4.08MB)
M5100MA_2WB-4AE(2): (4.73MB)
M5100MA_BB: (4.96MB)
M5100PT: (7.74MB)
Italian M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (3.68MB)
M5100MA_2WB-4AE: (19.79MB)
M5100PT: (7.61MB)
AE4100-1: (2.03MB)
AE4100-2: (2.13MB)
German M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (4.66MB)
AE4100-1: (2.10MB)
AE4100-2: (2.27MB)
M5000B: (1.33MB)
M5100ME: (16.66MB)
M5100PT: (12.01MB)
M5100MA_2WB-4AE: (12.59MB)
M5100MA_2WB-4AE(2): (4.82MB)
M5100MA_1WB-4AE-2RS232: (12.43MB)
M5100MA_BB: (5.48MB)
AE4100-1E: (13.79MB)
M5100M: (7.38MB)
AE4100-1P: (5.82MB)
French M5100ME: (15.75MB)
AE4100-1: (2.15MB)
M5100M: (8.60MB)
Spanish AE4100-1: (2.18MB)
M5000B: (3.73MB)
M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (15.58MB)
Czech AE4100-1: (2.23MB)
M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (4.28MB)
Polish M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (4.19MB)
M5100MA_2WB-4AE: (4.21MB)
Dutch M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (14.59MB)
Romanian AE4100-1: (2.27MB)
M5100MA_BB: (4.86MB)
Traditional Chinese AE4100-1: (2.69MB)
M5100MA_1WB-4AE: (3.93MB)
M5100MA_2WB-4AE: (4.54MB)

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