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Leak and Flow Testers

During the whole production and assembly processes, planning leak testing of components allows the immediate detection of any defective part that would jeopardize quality standards, generate non-conformities, waste time and money, and provoke claims.

leak and flow testers
  • Guarantee compliance with the quality criteria in R&D, production and Quality Control processes
  • Simple test procedures that do not require large investments
  • Fast, accurate and clean
  • The test instruments are compact and may be positioned next the product to be tested
  • Thanks to their resolution and performance specifications, they are are suitable for a wide range of manufacturing sectors
  • Can be managed manually by the operator or automatically by a PLC
  • All test data can be collected and managed by a dedicated monitoring software


Our instruments are innovative for leak and flow testing devices.

Thanks to the LCD touch interface, complete with colour display and the real-time test viewer, programming and operating the devices is simple and intuitive


English TECNA - General Catalogue: (12.34MB)
Portoguese TECNA - General Catalogue: (5.87MB)
Japanese TECNA - General Catalogue: (3.02MB)

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