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Leak Test Helium


The composition of the tank generally in plastic (HDPE) requires careful/precise monitoring of the differential pressure between that of the chamber and that of the component during the evacuation phase. Our testing units are able to ensure that the differential pressure does not exceed ± 150 bar, thus avoiding deformation of the piece being tested.

Leak Test Helium

The layouts of our machines meet any need: the range available starts from monoblock solutions up to including fully automated assembly lines.

Our automatic solution with rotary table with two positions, one for testing and the other for loading/unloading and inserting/disengaging joints, has the advantage of reducing cycle times.

A feeler checks the deformation of the piece in the chamber.

Test pressures, rejection thresholds and productivity that our machines can reach may vary according to the technical specifications of the component and the production needs of the User.

  • Dedicated pumping system for the analysis - Total flow
  • Pumping system placed on a cart for easy maintenance
  • Dedicated Electric and Pneumatic cabinet
  • Ventilation and Sound proofing of the pumping system
  • Semi-Automatic Rotary Table
  • Totally customizable HMI interface
  • Machines that can be interfaced with a helium recovery system
  • Full traceability of the tested component
  • Ready for MES communication

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