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Addetto Protezione Proprietà Intellettuale

Location: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy


Intellectual Property Specialist


The company's intellectual property - consisting of inventions and innovations, know-how, trademarks, etc. - is an extremely valuable asset that must be monitored, enhanced and defended appropriately, using the legal instruments provided for by national and international regulations.

The candidate, who will be hired in the Research and Development Department, reporting directly to the Head of Intellectual Property Protection, will have the main task of carrying out analyses of technical solutions of the company and of third parties, in order to assess the patentability of these solutions and/or the existence and actual value of third party rights. You may also be expected to contribute to the preparation of patent applications in Italy and abroad and to the management of examination procedures relevant to such applications. The candidate will also participate in the day-to-day management of the office.


The following are required:

  • a university technical degree, preferably in electronic, electrical or electrical engineering
  • a good knowledge of the English language
  • good analytical and synthesis skills and sufficient dialectical ability.

The candidate shall possess good technical knowledge of mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics, also in relation to technological fields of relatively recent development, such as those relating to electric mobility, batteries and artificial intelligence.
Knowledge of other languages, in particular German and/or Chinese, may be important, just as the possession of knowledge in the field of industrial property may be positively valued.

This position is open to candidates of all genders (Italian Law 903/77).

Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biographical data
  2. Experience
  3. Skills
Personal data
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Permanent address
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Elected Domicile (if different from address)
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
School career
Professional career
IT Skills
Other information

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