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Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Stack

Recent years have seen a continuous growth in the use of Fuel Cells Hydrogen systems for a wide range of applications. Their high efficiency and low emissions combined with the fast charging mode makes them particularly suitable in transportation, material handling, stationary, portable, and emergency backup power applications. In fact, in many countries there are important projects to drastically reduce CO2 emissions, making H2 a new commodity (Hydrogen society). These reasons suggest the need to implement mass production processes.

In detail, SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells) are widely used in stationary power and particularly in domestic CHP (Combined Heat and Power) for cogeneration of heat and electricity, thanks to their high efficiency and flexibility to use grid gas as fuel input, for which a dedicated infrastructure is well-established in many areas.

Solid oxide fuel cells stack

When the individual Cells are packed to obtain the required voltage and power into the Stack, the final quality of the product must be guaranteed through dedicated testing applications.

Marposs, thanks to its long term experience in industrial quality control, proposes many customized solutions in order to verify the correct assembly of the stack, its functionality and its mechanical seal, allowing to improve the production processes and product efficiency.

  • Leak testing after stack assembly
  • Leak testing of the housing and the complete Fuel Cell assembly
  • Break-in procedure and End-of-Line testing machine

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