Marposs has introduced a standardized equipment layout designed to perform leak testing across a broad spectrum of products, including high-volume samples. Originally developed for the marine industry—specifically for testing fuel tanks ranging from 200 to 800 liters—this solution has since evolved to accommodate similar components in various sectors.
In the semiconductor industry, precision is paramount. The wafer dicing process, a critical step in chip production, demands exceptional accuracy to cut fragile materials like silicon, glass, sapphire, and advanced compounds such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). Even a minor defect during this phase can lead to significant production losses. Marposs has developed an innovative solution: the Visual Blade Inspector (VBI). This cutting-edge sensor technology redefines how dicing machines operate, ensuring higher precision and reliability.
MAINDO is a comprehensive solution for streamlined quality management through data centralization and real-time monitoring. Designed for flexibility, MAINDO is cloud-based but also offers an on-premise option for those with specific IT infrastructure needs. This adaptability enables manufacturers of any scale to integrate MAINDO with existing MES and ERP systems seamlessly.
Marposs focuses on the HVAC-R industry, developing the HeSNIFFER, a modular system that starts with a basic sniffing test, offering manual, portable detection of leaks using helium mass spectrometry. It can be upgraded with automated modules for higher productivity, including robotic sniffing probes and a vacuum leak test chamber. This flexible, step-by-step approach enhances production quality and accuracy while allowing customers to adapt the system to their specific needs.
Optoquick, already known for its precise optical snap capabilities and optional 3D touch probe, can now be equipped with a 3-axis Hall sensor. This advanced sensor allows us to measure the magnetic field intensity relative to the rotor's angular position, at varying distances from the magnets, and at different heights. The latest innovation applied to our Optoquick multi-sensor family is the possibility to combine dimensional measurements with magnetic field intensity analysis.
Marposs offers a complete testing service for fuel cell components, including leak testing of bipolar plates and a variety of other components. This service is tailored for customers in the early or prototype stages of development, allowing validation of concepts and technologies before scaling up to production, thereby reducing potential costly errors down the line.
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