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LT-H Leak Test Helium


Condensers are generally large components and the ergonomics of HeTECH/MARPOSS test benches has been developed to easy their loading/unloading phase. Available layouts within our range include chambers tilted through 30° degrees up to “shell” shaped chambers whose opening and closing are facilitated by the combined use of counterweights and balancers and that constitute removable and exchangeable toolings to make the bench suitable to test various types of condensers.

LT-H Leak Test Helium

High output rates are guaranteed by the possibility of make the chambers work alternatively: while one is engaged in testing, the other is evacuated.

HeTECH/Marposs offers flexible and totally automatic solutions available in a wide range of layouts: number of chambers can vary according to the Customer's space and productivity needs.

For condenser, we offer the possibility to enhance productivity equipping each chamber with a double fixture.

Our leaking test benches are made more versatile thanks to their ability to test a single/double circuit condenser in the same chamber.  

Test pressures, rejection thresholds and productivity that our machines can reach may vary according to the technical specifications of the component and the production needs of the User.

  • Dedicated pumping system for the analysis - Total flow

  • Pumping system placed on a cart for easy maintenance

  • Dedicated Electric and Pneumatic cabinet

  • Ventilation and Sound proofing of the pumping system

  • Removable & Exchangeable vacuum chambers and toolings

  • Totally customizable HMI interface


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