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Transducer Conditioning Interface to PC and PLC with RS232 Output


ASC (Automation Signal Controller) is a family of interface boxes designed to integrate analog and digital transducers via RS232 into PC and PLC using simple ASCII protocol commands.

Automation signal controller

ASC family is perfect for the automation needs; it can interface 2 or 4 sensors to PC or PLC. Available in many different models, depending on the number and the type of transducers, it’s ready to be connected as a plug and play device.
The measure can be collected through the RS232 port using simple ASCII serial protocol commands. Compact, robust and equipped with DIN rail mounting accessories, it is suitable for cabinet and automation applications layout in general.
Both LVDT (full bridge) and HBT (half bridge with LVDT pinout) sensors can be connected to ASC. Analog (RedCrown 2) or digital (DigiCrown 2) pencil probes with ±0,5mm, ±1mm, ±2mm, ±2,5mm, ±5mm and ±10mm measuring range can be managed. Transducer values are continuously available through the RS232 interface using simple protocol commands. ASC requires +24 Vdc nominal value with an input range of 18÷36 Vdc.

  • Plug & play device
  • Compatible with analog and digital sensors
  • Available in several versions depending to the type and the number (2 or 4) of channels
  • Reliable and sturdy
  • Number of channels: 2 or 4
  • Type of available sensors: analog (LVDT Marposs standard) and digital (LVDT/HBT with LVDT pinout)
  • Available measuring ranges: ±0,5mm, ±1mm, ±2mm, ±2,5mm, ±5mm and ±10mm
  • Accuracy: it can change from  ±[0,1+0,2*read measure in mm] for sensors with ±0,5mm measuring range to ±[2+0,2*read measure in mm] for sensors with ±10mm measuring range
  • Output type: 1 RS-232 channel, full duplex; hardware handshake (RTS/CTS)
  • Baudrate: 9600 (default) / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 / 115200 bit/s
  • Data bit: 8
  • Stop bit: 1
  • Parity: even
  • Sampling rate: up to 400 sample per second
  • Power supply: Nominal value +24 Vdc ; Input range 18÷36 Vdc
  • Electrical absorption: ASC2 90mA, ASC4 200mA
  • Protection degree: IP40
  • Operating temperature: 0° / + 55°C
  • Storage temperature: -20° / + 70°C
  • Dimensions W x D x H: 45 x 138 x 100
  • Weight: 555g

It's available in several versions depending from the number and the type of channels:

2 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±0,5mm range
2 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±1mm range
2 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±2mm range
2 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±2,5mm range
2 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±5mm range
2 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±10mm range
4 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±0,5mm range
4 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±1mm range
4 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±2mm range
4 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±2,5mm range
4 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±5mm range
4 LVDT analog transducers inputs with ±10mm range
2 LVDT/HBT digital transducers inputs
4 LVDT/HBT digital transducers inputs



Inglés ASC: (435.03kB)
MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
Italiano ASC: (514.52kB)
Alemán ASC: (538.00kB)
Japonés MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)


- Planos [STEP] -
ASC: (8.35MB)
ASC - RS232 2CH: (6.05MB)
ASC - RS232 4CH: (8.20MB)

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