
automotive industry

Solutions For Transmissions And Driveline Systems

A wide range of solutions for your high quality transmissions and driveline systems with just one partner

Marposs portfolio includes products and applications specifically developed for the measurement, assembly and test of the relevant components of both conventional (ICE) and hybrid or electric drivetrains.

With the increasing degree of electrification combined with consumer expectations and international regulations, current powertrain concepts show up with stronger performance and lightweight requirements, with noise reduction becoming a must.

Today’s gear manufacturing challenges can be met by incorporating Marposs solutions inside the production chain.

With the capability of testing gears at speed and torque levels comparable to those found in real working conditions, the system represents a key solution for gear manufacturers to identify noisy gears prior to the assembly into the gearbox.

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In-line and off-line gauging solutions tailored for your production needs.

The M62 line of products offers a wide range of possibilities with indisputable benefits thanks to the great level of customization for incorporation in a gear production line.

Checks like DOB (MdK), Single Flank/Double Flank roll checks and many others can be covered with manually operated or fully automated solutions for either cylindrical, spur, helical and internal gears.

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Fully automated applications to ensure correct assembly of the gearbox.

A proper assembly of the gearbox requires several operation steps, including verification of sub-assemblies, that can be covered by Marposs integrated solutions. Once assembled, the last control to ensure the good quality of the product is leak test, that can be performed with fully automated systems.

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Marposs Worldwide leader in measurement, inspection and testing Marposs Worldwide leader in measurement, inspection and testing
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