Marposs provides a wide range of flexible and high quality solutions applicable to the manufacturing of Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers among leak testing (He, Air/N2), electric testing (ICR, HV, OCV, EOL) and functional testing (flow resistance, empyting/filling, communication).
From high productivity machines to R&D stations and also testing services, Marposs offers various solutions and a valuable partnership to the FC and Electrolyzer supply chain.
Electrolyzer components can be properly checked in their tightness by means of leak testing in helium as trace gas. Our leak test machines can ideally comply with mid-size up to MW applications’ size.
Since DI water as process fluid is already used in electrolyzer stacks manufacturing, we have developped solutions which also imply the exploitation of it. The results achieved allow to discriminate external leakage from crossover leakage.
As alternative to water, air/N2 can be used as trace gas in a leak test solution and can grant faster cycle times, thus avoiding possible components degradation and boosting productivity.
The ICR testing determines the value of the additional resistance due to the non-perfect contact between the GDL and specific electrolyzer components (BPP, PTL, Current collector, etc.) and its correlation with the applied contact force.
It consists basically in insulation resistance and dielectric strenght tests to validate the electrical safety of the electrolyzer stacks.
This test detects the obstruction of the channels circuits of electrolyzer components, caused by manufacturing inefficiency.
DI water flushing and swelling with the aim to hydrate the electrolyzer’ stack membranes.
When dealing with demanding leakage thresholds, helium is the ideal trace gas for checking the tightness of the electrolyte layer of SOFC up to the complete stack. Our solutions can grant optimal and highly precise outputs.
Less demanding requirements can allow the adoption of air/N2 leak test methods and more affordable solutions.
Our end-of-line machines perform the following SOFC system diagnostic tests: Open Circuit Voltage (OCV), Polarization Curve, and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS).
It consists basically in insulation resistance and dielectric strenght tests to validate the electrical safety of SOFC stacks.
We offer customizable functional testing tailored to your specific needs.
A specific test can be developped to detect the ohmic loss at high current density (Ohmic resistance test).
When dealing with demanding leakage thresholds, helium is the ideal trace gas for checking the integrity of coolant, hydrogen and air circuits of PEMFC up to the complete stack. Our solutions can grant optimal and highly precise outputs.
Less demanding requirements can allow the adoption of air/N2 leak test methods and more affordable solutions.
Our end-of-line machines perform the following PEMFC system diagnostic tests: Open Circuit Voltage (OCV), Polarization Curve, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV).
It determines the value of the additional resistance due to the non-perfect contact between the BPP and GDL layers and its correlation with the applied contact force. A similar test can be developped also to detect the ohmic loss at high current density: Ohmic Resistance Test.
It consists basically in insulation resistance and dielectric strenghts tests to validate the electrical safety of the PEMFC stacks.
It detects the obstruction of the channels of the three circuits of PEMFC components such as BPP, caused by manufacturing inefficiency.
The purpose of the filling test is to check for the presence of air bubbles trapped in the PEMFC stack coolant circuits by flushing with deionized water.
The emptying test consists of emptying the coolant circuits of PEMFC stacks and checking its draining level.
Communication test.