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Servicetechniker (m/w/d) für Dichtheitsprüfeinrichtungen

Ubicación: Weinstadt - Germany


Service technician (m/f/d) for leak testing equipment

Your tasks

  • Mechanical assembly of complete machines for leak testing equipment as well as various assemblies of these systems
  • Installation and wiring of control peripherals in the area of safety extra-low voltage (e.g. sensors, actuators, pneumatics)
  • Pneumatic tubing and pipework for the test equipment during installation at the customer's premises
  • Commissioning and functional testing of the test equipment after installation and recommissioning
  • Acceptance of the above-mentioned equipment both internally and at the customer's premises
  • Programming of PLC adaptations and modifications at the customer's site (Siemens S7 control systems)
  • Analysing and recording mechanical, electrical and metrological faults at the customer's site 

Your profile

  • You have completed training in the field of mechatronics or electrical engineering - ideally with further training as a technician or master craftsman
  • You already have initial professional experience as a service technician - ideally in the field of mechanical engineering or medical technology - alternatively in a comparable position in mechanical engineering or industry
  • Very good knowledge of German; good knowledge of English will help you in your day-to-day business
  • High willingness to travel (primarily Germany and neighbouring EU countries), class B driving licence
  • Strong service orientation, independent and structured way of working, strong communication skills
  1. Biografía
  2. Experiencia
  3. Competencias
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Carrera profesional
Competencias informáticas
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