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LT-H Leak Test-Helium

Helium test bench for Radiators

Our test benches use helium as a tracer gas in order to detect leaks in vehicle radiators.

 LT-H  Leak Test-Helium

HeTECH/Marposs offers flexible and totally automatic solutions available in a wide range of layouts: number of chambers can vary according to the Customer's space and productivity needs.

In case of solutions with several test stations, it is possible to disable one of them via software when needed , for example during machine maintenance.

The machine shown, with a mezzanine area for housing the pumping group, makes the loading/unloading area completely free, allowing the passage of inlet and outlet pallets.

Inside the chamber, suitable toolings blocks the component during the test phase.

The connection joint, whose management is automated by an picking robot ( inlet side)  and a place robot (outlet side)  expands in the absence of air so that the background noise remains constant.

Test pressures, rejection thresholds and productivity that all our machines can reach may vary according to the technical specifications of the component and the production needs of the User.


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