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Material Integrity Test

The Non-Destructive test (ND), performed with eddy current technology, is used to find surface faults (such as cracks, porosity, blow holes, inclusions, stripping, etc.) without changing the physical state of the part directly on the production line.

Material Integrity Test

In modern production systems, it’s crucial to perform non-destructive checks, not only because quality standards are increasing, but more importantly, failure of mechanical components can compromise the safety of the user.

Technology designed to use the principle of eddy currents, offers faster test speeds than any other technology (penetrating liquids, magnetoscopic testing, etc.). Therefore, it allows for automatic inspection of the entire production, without requiring the intervention of an operator.

Turnkey applications are supplied only for the non-destructive tests and for the integrated dimensional + ND tests. Therefore, reducing the number of measurement stations on the line and optimising the inspection process.

Marposs is available to check the feasibility of the control, by performing controls on sample parts provided by the customer. We can also provide support when an update is needed on an existing measuring station, with the integration of probes and electronic units for non-destructive tests.


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